
Showing posts from February, 2024

Plan for my dissertation

 This is my first plan for my dissertation, it has my overall ideas for the sections I would like to include in this dissertation.  Opening What brain parts contribute to language  How the brain develops in children ( in general and related to language ) How brain development is different between bilingual and monolingual children How speech is different between bi and monolingual children (code switching ) How lockdown had an effect on this and what this shows Conclusion

How lockdown affected the children's languages usage and development - Primary Research

From the researches I have read in the past year, I could see how all the reliable methods had specific control variables. One control variable that almost every reliable research had was the child's education institute. Another one which was quite common is the child's parents level of education. This is because the researchers deemed important to understand how the environment around the child has an impact on their learning of languages. For example if the child is bilingual in Spanish and English however they spend more time in an English school then their English proficiency will be higher than the Spanish one. In the past years, lockdown gave bilingual and multilingual children the unique experience of potentially spending more time in an environment with their less proficient language.  I decided to do a survey targeting parents with young bi/multilingual children to find out what was the impact of lockdown on their children's use of languages. This idea was inspired

January update and February plan

  As I mentioned in my previous update blog, I predicted that this month I wouldn't progress much with my EPQ due to school mocks and my university interviews, especially during the 2 weeks period of my mocks I was unable to do any work for my EPQ. However in this month I managed to finish secondary readings and overall plan my primary research. I plan to do more work for my EPQ in the next months and this month I plan to finish this primary research and plan my dissertation. I have already done some readings on how to plan and write a professional dissertation and I am aware of the overall details I need to include in my writing.