
Showing posts from August, 2023

Overview on the brain

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It can be separated into two distinct lobes which ultimately interact with each other and work together. The two distinct lobes are called left and right hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body whereas the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. For many years there was a belief that humans had a dominant hemisphere where if you are more methodical you're left brained and if you are more creative you are right brained.  However today's researches show that this isn't strictly the case for everyone. In a 2013 research study where 1000 people underwent Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) showed that the networks of one hemisphere aren't strictly stronger than the other. This disproved the theory of being either left brained or right brained as the study showed both hemispheres would work together while performing a logical or creative task.  In spite of this discovery, for more

Update on EPQ project + future planning (AO1 and AO4)

Since May, I haven't done much research for my EPQ due to my mocks and my UCAT exam. I was aware that I wouldn't be able to advance with my EPQ as much during this period because of the number of exams that I had to sit on June and August.  However I was able to come up with a rough plan about the research I would like to do on this topic and some ideas for a potential primary research. I am planning to research in depth each of my sub topics and read some academic papers about them.  Key : Green = Introduction Yellow = Research Pink = Primary Research  Also I have been keeping track of my progress with my EPQ over the past months with my tasks lists. The first plan in this blog post is just a general plan for all of the sub-topics I want to research however in this document I have a list of the tasks I set myself and plan for every month.