Overview on the brain

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It can be separated into two distinct lobes which ultimately interact with each other and work together.

The two distinct lobes are called left and right hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body whereas the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. For many years there was a belief that humans had a dominant hemisphere where if you are more methodical you're left brained and if you are more creative you are right brained. 

However today's researches show that this isn't strictly the case for everyone. In a 2013 research study where 1000 people underwent Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) showed that the networks of one hemisphere aren't strictly stronger than the other. This disproved the theory of being either left brained or right brained as the study showed both hemispheres would work together while performing a logical or creative task. 

In spite of this discovery, for more than a century now, it is known that language is processed and comprehended in the left hemisphere. While the right hemisphere help us understand the context and the tone in a situation, speech production and fluency happens in the left hemisphere.

Here's an overview of the main parts of the left hemisphere used for language :

 CEREBELLUM and BRAIN STEM control involuntary functions, such as breathing.


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