Evaluation of secondary research sources

I used this table below to mark my sources. Each box equals to 1 point. ( full mark is out of 25 )

 (PDF) History of Multilingualism (researchgate.net) - chapter from the book “The Encyclopedia Of Applied Linguistics” 22/25 

Choosing words: left hemisphere, right hemisphere, or both? Perspective on the lateralization of word retrieval - PMC (nih.gov)  - study 24/25

Left Brain vs. Right Brain: What’s the Difference? (healthline.com) - Overview of the brain and distinction of hemispheres 19/25

An Evaluation of the Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain Hypothesis with Resting State Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging | PLOS ONE - study for how left and right hemispheres work 24/25

The_Handbook_of_the_Neuroscience_of_Multilingualis..._----_(Part_II_Neural_Representations_).pdf chapter of the Handbook of the Neuroscience 24/25

BrainandCognition.pdf - study with multilingual children in the book “Brain and cognition” 23/25

Bilingualism-and-childrens-use-of-paralinguistic-cues-to-interpret-emotion-in-speech.pdf - research about emotion


A silver lining from the pandemic: how lockdowns helped kids learn the languages their parents speak

(theconversation.com - article about how the pandemic helped bilingual children to improve their home language 19/25

Redefining the role of Broca’s area in speech - PMC (nih.gov) Adeen Flinker et al. 24/25

What is the function of sulci and gyri? (byjus.com) - Byju's, Accessed 10/2023 19/25

Early bilingualism, language attainment, and brain development - PubMed (nih.gov) Berken et al. - study 24/25

Graded functional organisation in the left inferior frontal gyrus: evidence from task-free and task-based functional connectivity - PMC (nih.gov) Diveica et al. - study 24/25

3.1 How the brain develops – Trauma Informed Behaviour Support: A Practical Guide to Developing Resilient Learners (pressbooks.pub) - book section 23/25

PowerPoint Presentation (cam.ac.uk) - Cambridge Languages Sciences - article 24/25

Speech and Language Developmental Milestones | NIDCD (nih.gov) - 24/25

DTI reveals structural differences in white matter tracts between bilingual and monolingual children - PubMed (nih.gov) - study 24/25

Language switching in bilingual production: Empirical data and computational modelling* | Bilingualism: Language and Cognition | Cambridge Core 24/25

Multilingual Lexicon and what it tells us about Cognition and the Brain - Talk, Schwieter 2023 22/25

Cortical Thickness in bilingual and monolingual children: Relationships to language use and language skill - PubMed (nih.gov) - study 24/25

Language in multilingual families during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: a survey of challenges and opportunities

(degruyter.com) - research about previous statement 23/25

Enhanced music sensitivity in 9-month-old bilingual infants | Cognitive Processing (springer.com) - study 23/25


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